10 Best Annual Flowers

10 Best Annual Flowers

It’s time to flourish your garden or porch with vibrant blooms and foliage color! These annual flowers will add beauty to your yard. Annual flowers are generally easy to grow and long-lasting. Annual plants live for only one growing season. This means you can have a totally different beauty every year. Check out our list of annual flowers and browse our fabulous garden ideas. It’s full of inspiration and helps you design a lovely garden that keeps blooming over and over.

And remember, if you use PRO ORGANICS products like our organic Plant Food Spray or our organic All-Purpose Plant Food fertilizer, your plants will last longer and be more lush than you can imagine!

Image of a marigold plant, with information on how to care for marigolds.


No annual is more cheerful or easier to grow than marigolds. They’re popular annuals due to their ability to bloom all summer. Their bright colors make them a popular choice for bouquets and even salad garnishes!

Image of an ombre zinnea with information on how to care for zinneas.


Zinnias are one of the easiest annual plants to grow, as they grow quickly and bloom heavily. Zinnia flowers make a massive burst of color in your garden, and they attract butterflies.

Image of a bright pink cosmos flower, with information on how to take care of cosmos.


If you’re looking for a flower that will stay in bloom for months and can be grown by simply scattering seeds, cosmos are a great choice. White, pink, orange, yellow, and scarlet are the colors you can expect to see. These flowers grow quickly and are easy to maintain. I love the way the taller varieties dance in the breeze.

An image of an indigo cornflower, with information on how to care for cornflowers.


Cornflowers are extremely colorful hardy annuals. These blooms are also called bachelor’s buttons and are traditionally blue in color. Bachelor’s buttons have a clove-like flavor and can be used as a fun plate garnish.

Image of a baby pink impatiens flower, with information on how to care for impatiens.


Impatiens flowers are bright and cheerful annuals that can light up any dark and shady part of your yard. The most commonly grown cultivars are short plants, attaining a height of not more than 1 foot. Growing impatiens is quite easy.

Image of a dark purple and black petunia, with information on how to care for petunias.


Petunias are one of the most popular garden flowers for both borders and containers. Petunias come in a variety of shades including pinks, blues, and reds.

Image of a fiery red nasturtium, with information on how to care for nasturtiums.


Nasturtium flowers are versatile; attractive in the landscape and useful in the garden. Nasturtium flowers come in all the fall colors, which makes this flower perfect for gifting bouquets and arrangements in an office or home.

Image of a bright purple lisianthus flower, with information on how to care for lisianthus.


Lisianthus is regarded as a very popular, high-end cut flower for its exceptional, rose-like beauty and incredible vase life. Lisianthus is often used as an ornamental. There are a few things you need to know to get them to thrive, but once you get it down, the gorgeous flowers are so worth it. They’re so pretty and long lasting in arrangements.

Image of two bright pink sweet pea bulbs, with information on how to care for sweet peas.

Sweet Pea

With their seductive fragrance, sweet peas make great flowers for gardens and bouquets. These pea-like flowering annuals grow in many lovely colors and are suitable for a border, a woodland garden, and a trellis or arch. Sweet pea flowers are commonly used in perfume due to their sweet and delicate scent. These flowers can climb as tall as 10 feet! Some dwarf varieties only grow up to two feet.

Image of a purple and white Sweet Alyssum plant, with information on how to care for Sweet Alyssum.

Sweet Alyssum

Sweet alyssum flowers have a light fragrance that can add a nice aroma to your garden. Sweet alyssum is a wonderful cool-season annual that seems to bloom its head off in mild spring weather. This plant has been a long-time favorite because of its dainty blossoms on tight mounds of foliage. These dainty florals are easy to pair with statement flowers in a bouquet.


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