Amaryllis | How to care for Amaryllis

Image of a healthy, red amaryllis flower against a dark background.

How to Care for Amaryllis Plants

The Amaryllis is one of the easiest bulb plant that produces amazing large flowers and beautiful clusters of fragrant blossoms. Gardeners and indoor plant parents alike love this plant, and it’s quickly becoming a holiday favorite. You’ll enjoy many seasons of bloom, and there’s nothing like the lift that the colorful blossoms can give your spirit during the holiday and throughout the year. 

Ready to shine your windowsill with the exuberant colorful flowers? Here’s what you need to know about the amaryllis:


Amaryllis Quick Tips:

  1. Planting period: October until the end of April.
  2. Flowering period: Late December until the end of June.
  3. Blooming time: 7-10 weeks.

    Amaryllis Planting and Care

    1. Invest in great quality bulbs. Large bulbs produce more amaryllis flowers.
    2. Soak the base and fleshy roots in lukewarm water for a few hours.
    3. Plant each amaryllis bulb in a 6-8” pot that has a drainage hole. When planting 2 or more bulbs, choose a bigger pot that provides a snug fit. Heavy pots are preferable because it won’t tip over under the weight of the blooms.
    4. Plant bulbs in a pre-mixed nutritious potting compost. Do not use soil from the garden because it may drainage problem. We suggest using PRO ORGANIC Plant Food, an all-purpose fertilizer.
    5. Plant the bulb up to its neck in the potting compost. At least 1/3 of each bulb should project above the potting compost. Press the soil down firmly to set the bulb securely in place after planting.
    6. Place the pot in a warm place with direct light. Sun light will develop the stems and ideal temperature is 67 to 70 degrees. Water sparingly to help settle into their pots. Then keep the soil barely moist, applying no more than ¼ cup of water per week. When the stem, bud and leaves appears, gradually water more. For added health and vibrance, spray PRO ORGANIC Foliar Spray onto the plant to improve the growth quality. This is called foliar feeding.
    7. The first thing to emerge from the bulb is a bud. Leaves and additional stems will follow. For the best results, take our tips on foliar feeding with PRO ORGANIC All-Purpose Liquid Plant Food bi-weekly by spraying onto the leaves bi-weekly. The stem will grow rapidly and flowers will develop after it has reached full growth. PRO ORGANIC will enhance the color of the flower and it will grow healthy and strong.
    8. Bulbs will flower in 7-10 weeks. Flowering time will be longer in winter so plan your planting schedule between October and April with this in mind. Follow these steps for amaryllis care and you’ll success in first bloom season.

      How to Care for Amaryllis Plant After It Blooms

      After your amaryllis has stopped flowering, it may seem past its prime. But don't throw out your amaryllis bulbs yet, because it can be made to flower again. You’ll have to take a bit of time and care, but it’s overall really easy. We’ll show you how and you'll have this beautiful flower on your window sill for another season.

      1. After all flowers have faded, snip off the flower stems about 2 inches from the bulb. Leave the stalks which will continue to produce energy for next blossom. Grow your amaryllis indoors during cold winter and spring. After the danger of frost has passed, you can move it outside for the summer.
      2. Move the amaryllis plant into a sunny spot, and fertilize the plants regularly with PRO ORGANIC Plant Food to keep the leaves lush and green.
      3. The bulb should stay dry and the soil should be barely moist, but never soggy (bulbs will rot).
      4. In late summer or early fall, do not water or fertilize for 8 to 10 weeks. Place the potted bulb to a cool place temperature around 55 degrees and away from bright light. The leaves will gradually wither and fall away as the plant goes dormant.
      5. After 2 to 5 months of rest, it’s ready for the next growth cycle. Repot the bulb in fresh potting soil and place the pot to a warm spot temperature around 60-65 degrees. Resume watering and foliar feeding with PRO ORGANIC Plant Food until the bulb is in active growth. If you time it right, you will enjoy the blossom for another Christmas season.

        How to Care for an Amaryllis in Water

        Although most amaryllis bulbs are grown indoors using soil, they can also be easily rooted and grown in water too. It’s much simpler than you'd think. Here’s how.

        1. Fill the vase by adding the gravels, pebbles or decorative stones.
        2. Prepare your bulb by trimming off any dry, brown roots. Then place the amaryllis bulb into the vase and add more stones around it for stability.
        3. Add water to about an inch below the bulb, but quite not touching it. The roots should be the only parts touching the water, but the bulb should not be submerged (if not, rot will occur).
        4. Place your jar on a sunny windowsill and temperature should be around 60-75 degrees. Monitor the water level to make sure it remains consistent.
        5. When your amaryllis gets plenty of sunlight, it should eventually bloom. Enjoy the blossom again and once the flowers fade, you’ll need to transplant the amaryllis to soil and repeat the steps for another growing cycle.


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